Medical Trauma sure is real. It's astonishing how many individuals are in therapy because of its impact on the body and mind. Medical Trauma occurs when someone has a psychological ...
Are You Stressed? It's been a while since I've written a blog post. I have a new experience I want to share that I'm sure will resonate with many. First, ...
Have you ever wondered about the meaning of some of the phrases spiritual people use, like "Be The Light and Love and Above?" Being the light translates to being the ...
Aligned Leaders--Sage Wisdom from Women Choosing Their Soul's Mission Over Societal Expectations With No Regret When asked to write a chapter for the multi-authored book, Aligned Leaders, I knew what ...
Writing is an excellent tool for improving mental health Although being an author was not a dream, writing has always been an interest. From a young age, I liked spelling ...
In a previous post, Why Copper Toxicity Could Be Causing Your Mental Illness Symptoms, I provide some symptoms of copper toxicity and discuss how copper can disrupt your neurotransmitters. I'm often ...
Was 2020 a curse? When people make New Year's resolutions, they often say, "New Year, New Me," referring to fresh starts. In 2021 we see less talk about making changes ...
As you read my book, I Cu Copper, it quickly becomes evident that I dove headfirst into exposing my personal life. I explicitly discuss the pain, behaviors, and decisions that ...
Preach It! If you follow me, you know I can get on a soapbox about the importance of reducing stress. It's vital to keeping copper in balance. So some of ...
What does copper toxicity have to do with anxiety? If you are looking at this article you most likely are familiar with anxiety. But I bet curious about what copper ...