Tag copper toxicity

What does copper toxicity have to do with anxiety? If you are looking at this article you most likely are familiar with anxiety. But I bet curious about what copper ...
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Audio: How Copper Toxicity Impacts Women with Dr. Judith Bowman To listen, click on the photo below.     Video: Physical and cognitive issues related to high levels of copper. ...
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#1: I'd venture to guess that most people have never even heard of copper toxicity. Can you give us a layman's explanation of what it is? Copper toxicity also referred ...
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Being undermethylated I was career-driven—accomplishing five promotions in ten years. Unbeknownst to me, a chemical imbalance known as undermethylation was the driving force behind my rise of the corporate ladder. ...
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My boss nicknamed me “Smiley” I was not a depressive person by nature. In my heart, I knew something else was causing my symptoms of depression and anxiety. I spent ...
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